Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Puppets, Parades, and Peace

Lots of wild, fantastic daydreams are haunting me these days.  As I continue to research people who are doing visual/puppet theater, I keep coming across things like this slideshow of the 2010 Mayday Pageant in Minneapolis done by In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater.  As our own Pasadena Palm Sunday Peace Parade continues to grow, perhaps it will become a community event, attended by tens of thousands and requiring the joyful participation of numerous volunteers.

One small step in that direction will be leading bird puppet making workshops for kids and adults.  After many years of just thinking about it, for the 2010 parade I made a peace dove puppet, and it was quite a hit.  This year I hope we'll  have a whole flock!


  1. Hey there, now you have your very own follower/stalker! I too enjoy the blogging process. This Peace Parade you write of looks incredible, I am happy to offer myself up as a volunteer should one be needed to manage the huge demand of attendees!
